
Mr Peaches

Life is Peachy!

Mr. Peaches was found in August 2019 at approximately 3-4 weeks old. He had some fur we knew he wasn’t a newborn, but he was abandoned

About Book

The Life Of Mr Peaches

What did I see?

I opened my eyes,
and what did I see?
My new family was there
looking at me!
Life is Peachy!

Who found me?

It was Jake who found me
and brought me home.
Nevermore do I want to roam!
Life iS Peachy!

what my diet?

Nuts and fruits.
mixed veggies too.
I ate them all
and grew and grew!
Life is Peachy!

About Author Linda Varisco

The Life Of Mr Peaches

At first, he lived and slept in a wicker drawer in the Florida room. As he became older, he started to climb and investigate his surroundings. My father made him a pagoda made of wood and we hung it from the ceilings. We put towels and this and it quickly became his home. At about eight months, he chewed a hole in the screen and escaped. We were all heartbroken but knew in our hearts that he belonged in the wild, jumping from tree to tree. Two days later, I went to the Florida room and found him relaxing in his pagoda.

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Fun Facts about Squirrels

1. Squirrels’ teeth are very sharp and never stop growing, therefore it is necessary that they grind their teeth on nuts and bark. 

2. Squirrels can leap 10X their body length and turn their ankles 180 degrees to face any direction when climbing. They run at a 90-degree angle to escape predators. 
3. They pretend to hide their food if other animals are watching. Squirrels can find food buried beneath a foot of snow. 
4. The hind legs of squirrels are double-jointed, allowing them to quickly run up trees. 

5. Squirrels can eat their body weight every week, which is roughly 1.5 pounds. 

The Life Of Mr Peaches

Mr. Peaches was found in August 2019 at approximately 3-4 weeks old. He had some fur so we knew he wasn’t a newborn, but he was abandoned. 


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